Graham is totally right in his objections. I also wonder if they can count on him to work on immigration. He did not speak of that, but why would he work on a bill that he calls a cynical ploy? I really don't see how they can have a bipartisan bill ready any time soon. Not to mention, if there is increased anti-immigrant feelings, which the Arizona bill shows, how could the Congress be more likely to pass something than when a Republican President and a top Republican pushed it? Not to mention when there is 9.5% unemployment.
I would have less problem had climate change been pushed back because there were not the votes or if they thought it could hurt in the mid terms, but this is just stupid.
But then Reid and Schumer led the decision not to filibuster Alito - and to trash Kerry anonymously to the media (Schumer belately saying that he regretted not
leading a filibuster was the ultimate in chutzpah.)
Then they both were angered at Kerry refusing to stay silent instead of introducing Kerry/Feingold - even though without it, the RW talking point that the Democrats had no plan would have been true.
It stuns me that no one sees that Kerry likely has more political sense than these 2 thrown together. Not to mention being the far better person. The NYT has his comments which are as reasonable and courteous as always.
Hours after Mr. Graham released his letter, Mr. Kerry said in a statement that Mr. Graham’s actions had scuttled plans for an elaborate announcement of the proposal, whose passage is a major priority for the Obama administration.
“We all believe that this year is our best and perhaps last chance for Congress to pass a comprehensive approach,” Mr. Kerry said. “We believe that we had reached such an agreement and were excited to announce it on Monday, but regrettably external issues have arisen that force us to postpone only temporarily.”
Mr. Kerry said that he was prepared to resume work on the climate measure when Mr. Graham rejoined the discussion. But he said he was uncertain when that would be.
“We will continue to work, and we will do everything necessary to be ready when the moment presents itself,” Mr. Kerry said. feel certain that they are wrong on pushing immigration without doing the careful work in a time when the issue has been ultra radicalized. I would feel this even if they had just passed climate change. If there is anything that should not be done immediately before the election it is this. I just hope that I am wrong.
As to Schumer's AIPAC positions, they are not even the position of most of the Jewish community. AIPAC which now is again pushing the idea that we can not question Israel, questioned Israel when Rabin was Prime Minister. Apparently, it only wrong to question when there is a right wing government.
edited - because writing in haste and anger leads to incoherence on my part - and also to add the NYT link.