It's practically a rite of passage. No serious legislation ever makes it very far in Congress before it's declared dead - at least once, sometimes two or three times. Here's just a few headlines and statements from pundits from the last couple years about a major reform effort you might remember:
Health Care Bill Dies? (July 2009) ...
But here are three things I want everyone to know.
First, Lindsey Graham has invested enormous amounts of time with Joe and myself, bringing people to the table, and doing the hard, grinding work it takes to get a bill this far. It's been a real team effort between the three of us.
Second, there's a larger team effort that's also important. I had a lot of conversations yesterday and today with key folks from an historic and unprecedented coalition that were going to stand up today and support our proposal. Some unlikely partnerships have been built. And the good news is, I heard from all of them this weekend saying to us, "don't give up - keep this moving forward." It's because they're so committed that I know we can get this done this year.
Third, and lastly, the best damn message I heard this weekend came from Tom Friedman on Face the Nation. Tom had written a column for that morning which urged, "if there is going to be a Green Tea Party, it will have to emerge from a different place -- the radical center, a center committed to a radical departure from business as usual. Acting on that impulse, Senators John Kerry, Lindsey Graham and Joseph Lieberman had forged a bipartisan climate/energy/jobs bill that deserves an energetic centrist Green Tea Party to support it."">more