made it seem like John Kerry introduced ugliness in our politics. That what he did led directly to attacks on other candidate's families. I mean, wow what a bizarro world!!!! The reality was that the SBVT was what was unprecedented in 2004, and has had a legacy, which the Obama campaign tried to end by always praising (and never questioning) John McCain's service.
To add to what you have said based on your experience, I remember Andrew Sullivan vigorously defending what John Kerry said (and you know he is no JK fan), that one could ONLY be offended if they equate being gay to a disease like cancer. For someone who is gay or whose family member is gay, it just is. And Kerry's point was that it was not a choice. Being that she was Cheney's daughter WAS the point. Mary Cheney, as we know, is a hack so her and her mother's faux outrage over the comment was so phony it made me sick.
These archives of Sully are actually interesting to read now: Kerry wasn't scoring a direct political point against Bush. He was responding to an open-ended question about whether being gay is a choice. Now that has consequences, of course. But if you live in a world where mentioning someone's lesbianism is no big deal (and Kerry does), I can see why he wouldn't see it that way. And that's why almost no gay people have complained about this. Very few had any reaction to the comment. I didn't even notice it till the emails started coming in - all from straight people. That's because I live in a world where homosexuality is a non-issue. But many others - especially Republican parents - still do. And their worst nightmare, sadly, is a gay child. That's why they leaped to Cheney's defense. Their sympathies are with him. Mine are also with him - but with the millions of gay kids and citizens out there as well, people who are the target of his administration.
Here is another good quote from him, at the time. I never thought of Kerry opening this up on Republicans in this way, but Sully has a point (the bolded passage):
The Cheneys didn't respond to Jim DeMint's gay-baiting in South Carolina, or Alan Keyes' direct insult of their own daughter in Illinois. They have not voiced objections tio a single right-wing piece of homophobia in this campaign or the anti-gay RNC flier in Arkansas and West Virginia. But they are outraged that Kerry mentioned the simple fact of their daughter's openly gay identity. What complete b.s. In the short run, this hurts Kerry. Prevailing disapproval of homosexuality means that most people regard mentioning anybody's lesbianism as an insult and inappropriate. But long-term, the Republican bluff has been called. The GOP is run, in part, by gay men and women, its families are full of gay people, and yet it is institutionally opposed to even the most basic protections for gay couples. You can keep up a policy based on rank hypocrisy for only so long. And then it tumbles like a house of cards. Kerry just pulled one card from out of the bottom of the heap. Watch the edifice of double standards slowly implode. Gay people and their supporters will no longer acquiesce in this charade. Why on earth should we?
Actually, reading through these archives, Sully is a bigger defender of Kerry's statement than you are!!! He thinks it's GOOD that Kerry mentioned Mary Cheney by name. Republicans are hypocrites, by God. And they got exposed for it big time in October 2004.
Finally, here is a good letter:
"As the former legislative director of the Christian Coalition, I find it hilarious, ironic and shameless that those who have long employed gay bashing as a political tool are feigning their outrage over Kerry's sensitive notation of Cheney's daughter's sexual orientation. This is truly a moment of desperation for the Bushies. On the one hand they are sending out gay bashing mail and on the other hand they are sounding like charter members of the Human Rights Campaign. You've got to laugh!" - from Marshall Wittmann. Yes, I'm laughing, when I'm not crying.
Yes, Laura Bush, you are full of it. Gays did't care about it. It's only anti-gay Republicans and elites like the Cheneys looking to stay in power who did.