as he was imploding really hurt. I have met Dean people who still believe the corporatism DLC/lobbyist/pro-war lies, but not many. I have no real connection to anyone who believed the swiftboaters - because the lies are pretty unbelievable (I suspect the main thing that caused anyone to believe was that there were so many in his line of command who were in the SBVT - I actually wonder now if Kerry should have had an ad attacking them directly with the difference in what they wrote in official Navy documents (including a request that he get a higher clearance for the Brooklyn job.) Lying then would have been corrupt and there was no logical reason to do so - if they simply wanted to preserve an upper class kid's record, a mediocre record works fine. Certainly not two very prestigious awards. Not to mention, Nixon would have learned about it 2 years later in 1971. Now, in 2004, there were MANY reasons for them to lie- hurt pride concerning the Tour of Duty book, money, and politics.
If the lies were the comments before the SFRC - they were a list of things people had claimed to have done - just as he said. It was the SFRC or the military that had the power and ability to evaluate their truth. I do have one relative who still has a problem with this - not because he thinks it a lie, but because he gave more attention to it having happened.
I have noticed that on any neutral site a Kerry article appears the lies are still always there - and they themselves have become confused and distorted from the original lies. Some are completely made up - including that Kerry should have been court marshaled after 6 people died on his boat - which of course never happened.
I suspect that many really could not accept the idea that a liberal Democrat - from MA, who (according to them) speaks like a Kennedy really is a very brave, skillful, war hero. It was easier to believe that it was all made up.