he's no orator, but it was good
1.introduces Dan Choi early on
2.starts with history of media/journalism in US
3. 11 mins 30 secs.. ."there are times , I'm told, when I get on your nerves" (then went on to say that they get on his nerves .:) )
4. around 14 mins. .Norman Orenstein calls this Congress the most productive Congress ever
5. 16:09 "after another seemingly endless Republican charade", unemployment checks on the way
6. 16:50 "I know you wish the reforms were more sweeping. ."
7. around 18 mins. . Republicans have veered so far over the right, they don't care who they run over on the way. (On eve of health care vote, one Repub senator even said he hoped Sen. Byrd would die. .. wow)
8.19:34 "We have two moderate Republican senators" Snowe and Collins from Maine.
note who's missing from the list :)
9. 20-21 mins on climate change (his own frustration on roadblocks re climate legislation , republican obstructionism and the overuse of filibuster.. didn't always need to have supermajority to get anything done) "We're not willing to do nothing because we don't have a partner on the other side"
10. 23 new bill will not replace comprehensive reform. . will focus on BP and overdependence on foreign oil
19. 24:00 we can't afford to let the public buy what the Republicans are selling.
Q and A
1. 27:40 given Dan choi ring . very touching . . greets him at 29:18
2. 30:15 climate/energy, , gives background. .explains how Repubs make it so difficult to get things done. . done the cloture game almost 100 times in this Congress.. we've spent lots of time
lot of people worked hard on this bill
32:32 to about 33:36 but of all the people I've worked with on this bill. .
" no one has worked harder on a piece of legislation in my entire legislative career than John Kerry has worked on this" goes on to talk about he and JK are still at it
34:47 immigration ..