of the tax cuts to the wealthy this way. In addition, the Democrats NEED to not cave to get a passed bill before the election. The taxes expire at the end of the year. No matter how the election goes, there might be some genuine conservatives, who will agree that those tax cuts are unaffordable.
As to the idea that it could slow the recovery, that is nonsense. Here is comparison of the tables for 2009 vs 2001, which people making above $250,000 would likely be subject to.
2009 tax tables -
# 10% on income between $0 and $8,350
# 15% on the income between $8,350 and $33,950; plus $835
# 25% on the income between $33,950 and $82,250; plus $4,675
# 28% on the income between $82,250 and $171,550; plus $16,750
# 33% on the income between $171,550 and $372,950; plus $41,754
# 35% on the income over $372,950; plus $108,216
http://taxes.about.com/od/2009taxes/qt/2009_tax_rates.htmThe comparable 2001 single rates, that we would return to are:
15% on income between $0 and $27,050
27.5% on income between $27,050 and $65,550, plus $4,057.50
30.5% on income between $65,550 and $136,750, plus $14,645
35.5% on income between $136,750 and $297,350, plus $36,361
39% on income over $297,350
http://www.unclefed.com/TaxHelpArchives/2001/Pub17/taxrateschedule.htmlI assume the actual way this would be handled is to have a phase in starting at $250,000 - just to get rid of the fact that there WOULD be a disincentive for people very near $250,000. (tax in 2009 for an income of $249,999 would be $ 41,754 + .33 * (249,999 - 171,550) which is $67,642.17 ; tax in 2001 for an income of $249,999 would be $ 36,361 + .355 * (249,999 - 136,750) which is $76,564.40. )
These calculations show that everyone above $250,000 will pay at least $8922.23 more. That is a lot of money for the treasury, but it is hard to believe that it would be sufficient to make them stop working as hard as some RW people have implied. In addition, it was not high enough in 2001 to keep them from striving.
It also shows why the law will likely be more complicated than above $250,000 - the 2001 rates; below the 2009 rates. It is weird that making $1 more than the $249,999 here would have the consequence of increasing taxes by $8922. Likely the brackets on the current 2009 schedule will be redefined so that a new bracket starts at $250,000 using the 35.5 rate and adding the top 2001 bracket. This would actually result in taxes LESS than 2001 for everyone - as everyone would have the lower rates through $250,000. This obviously would get rid of the discontinuity.