lopsided. It is amazing that when no unbiased observer sees much chance of Republicans defeating any incumbent and the national Republican party is giving them no money, the Boston Globe on page 1 speaks of challenge to the incumbents,then pulls back on page 2:
In the federal races, while Perry has fired up the Republican base, it is not clear how the other GOP challengers, most of whom are underfunded and who have little or no experience in politics, will fare in trying to dislodge well-financed and politically savvy incumbents.
Only in the last 2 paragraphs of the 3 page article do they go into the serious ethics problems of the Republicans:
Perry, for example, withstood publicity during the primary about his role as a Wareham police sergeant in the 1990s, when he supervised an officer who illegally strip-searched two teenage girls. But the Democrats are already hitting him hard over the issue as both parties look ahead to a major battle.
In the Fifth District, Golnik acknowledged recently that he was arrested in 2001 for charges of driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. And in the Sixth District, Hudak, a first-time candidate and Boxford lawyer, easily defeated Saugus lawyer Robert J. McCarthy Jr. and will now challenge US Representative John F. Tierney, a Salem Democrat who has held the seat since 1997.
But Hudak has been facing questions about his statements urging a local newspaper to investigate whether Obama is a US citizen, and about a sign he once placed in his yard that compared Obama to Osama bin Laden.