Dear , Delaware doesn't change this... 15 races within 5 points. GOP needs to win 10 to take the majority. Goal: $105,155. Deadline: midnight tomorrow. Contribute
I've seen Republicans twist the truth and tear down anyone in their way. I've seen them win elections with lies, smears, and worse. After Sarah Palin's candidate won in Delaware, the worst is about to hit. When they attack, we must hit back twice as hard. Republican powerbrokers like Karl Rove and Swift Boat funders will plow $400 million into buying this election. The New York Times says Republican-leaning groups are outspending Democratic ones 10 to 1. Our candidates are being swamped. Our chances of winning Delaware have improved, but the math hasn't changed. We've still got 15 states within five points, and Tea Party activists will come out of the woodwork on Election Day. We can't afford complacency - even for a minute. The DSCC needs you to fight back before midnight tomorrow. They're watching every race, and when the dirty tricks come, they'll rush our scarce resources where they're needed most. Help meet their $105,155 goal right this minute. Click here to rush $5 or more to the DSCC. The Senate races are tighter than ever, so we need to raise $105,155 before midnight Saturday to put our candidates over the top. It's no secret these Republicans are opposed to everything Democrats stand for. But what worries me even more is what these extremist candidates actually believe in. Their Senate candidates talk openly about gambling your Social Security benefits on the Wall Street rollercoaster. They've been very clear about repealing our historic health care reform and letting health insurance companies kick you off your plan when you get sick. Their candidates don't even think we should do anything about global climate change. Forget passing legislation to finally get serious about the crisis. We can't afford to go back to the bad old days. We can't afford to let them ruin our economy again. We can't afford to let them smear and slime their way to another election victory. The DSCC is fighting back like only they know how. All that's missing is your contribution to help them meet their $105,155 goal before midnight tomorrow. I know I can count on you to get them there. Click here to rush $5 or more to the DSCC. The Senate races are tighter than ever, so we need to raise $105,155 before midnight Saturday to put our candidates over the top. You and I have been through many, many fights together. We know what kind of attack ads, whisper campaigns, and innuendos are coming. We know how critical it is to fight back. Today, you can help the DSCC make huge strides in that goal. Thank you,
John Kerry John Kerry