Excellent remarks from the Senator! As the old saying goes, why don't these people put their money where their mouths are--or push for others to show some accountability for that money? It's time they actually practice what they are preaching!
But of course the GOP says no...again..
http://www.boston.com/news/politics/politicalintelligence/2010/09/kerry_calls_on.html"It appears unlikely that the bill will come to a vote this time, under a hyper-partisan atmosphere, but Democrats are hoping to draw attention to the issue several weeks before the crucial midterm elections. Kerry sought to appeal to the Tea Party movement that has energized much of the midterm elections so far."
“In the year of the Tea Party, when the Tea Party is asking for accountability and the Tea Party is asking for sunshine and they want reform, I'd like to hear the Tea Party stand up today and say, ‘Republicans ought to vote overwhelmingly to have sunshine shine in on the funding process of our campaigns,’” Kerry said in a speech on the Senate floor. “I would think that the Tea Party ought to be excoriated over the notion that a corporation has been given the same rights as the Constitution gives to an individual.”