Haha, I love how he made Boehner own--and eat--those words! :D So cleverly written on JK's part, but at the same time so pertinent and true!
Hello Tara
Yesterday, the Republicans released their "Pledge" of how they'd govern, and Republican Leader John Boehner let the truth slip out:
"We are not going to be any different than what we've been."
Can't get much clearer than that! Their Rove-backed shadowy front groups are trying to spend millions to hide the truth, but it's right there: the Republicans want to bring us back to the policies that made their donors and friends richer, but the rest of America got hurt. We need to stand up to them.
And, in Illinois, in the fight for the very Senate seat Barack Obama held, we have a great progressive who is taking the fight to the Republicans. Alexi Giannoulias is under heavy attack, with well-funded smear campaigns trying to bring him down. But instead of hiding, or trying to find some "middle way," he's standing strong for progressive beliefs, standing strong for a final end to the Bush Republican era and a new progressive future.
We need to help our friends when they stand up for us. Please do what you can to contribute to Alexi's campaign right now.
Here's a great example: we're currently in a tough debate between giving tax cuts to working Americans who need them, or busting our budget by extending Bush era tax cuts to the wealthy. Alexi's standing strong for working Americans and taking the fight to the Republicans on it.
Because of that, he's getting hammered by misleading ads from the rightwing front groups, but he's not backing down. He's fighting for us. We need to fight for him.
So, contribute $30, $50, or $75 to Alexi right now to show him that we've got his back.
We need to help our friends when they need it, so they can stand with us when the time comes to pass the legislation we need. We need fighters who can help keep us moving forward, not back to the old, disastrous policies John Boehner wants to push on us all over again.
John Kerry