in the day. I found it disturbing, particularly, the incompetence of the WH.
Here is my take on the article:
1. I just don't buy Kerry having relationship problems with Graham or the President. After all, Kerry called up T Boone Pickens, THE funder of the SBVT; why would he have a problem working with Graham who really didn't say anything all that bad in '04. Also, the two of them are former prosectors, so I guess I see them as naturally seeing many things eye to eye.
Meanwhile, Kerry got over his disappointment on the SoS position pretty quickly. I would say by the inauguration. He enjoyed running the hearing for Hillary's confirmation, and has worked with her closely the last nearly 2 years. Although, I felt she has blundered at times (and somehow received nearly 100% positive press), overall, she has worked well with the Chairman of the SFRC.
Also, I question the wisdom that the only reason Kerry risked a lot endorsing Obama after the NH primary was to get the SoS job. Is he really that naive, petty and arrogant to think an endorsement would guarantee him such a prominent position in the cabinet? Knowing what I do about John Kerry, I highly doubt it. I mean, why did he pick Obama to be a keynote at the '04 convention? What was in it for him then? Well, he saw Barack Obama in Illinois and was highly impressed, thinking him akin in many respects to JFK. John Kerry felt that Barack Obama was a highly gifted and intelligent politician who could make history by becoming the first African American President. To have played any role in that was payoff enough. THAT is how John Kerry thought. The SoS position in my view would have just been gravy for him. Sure, he was unhappy when he didn't get the job, but it wasn't the main reason he endorsed Obama. If it was, then I have completely misjudged the character of the man. Rizzo lacks imagination in his matter of fact discussion of why JK endorsed Obama after NH.
2. I feel vindicated in my defense of Graham at the time. I said he was screwed over, and now there is even more evidence other than the immigration fiasco that he was not treated well for going out on a limb. Although far away, he still is vulnerable for a '14 primary challenge because of his work he did. That isn't true for Kerry or Lieberman who come from states that are sympathetic for dealing with global climate change.
3. I came away admiring Kerry more. He actually had a plan. It was stick with the CO2 target, and negotiate on everything else. He stuck to that plan, until well after the bill had died and all hope was lost. I don't blame him for messing around with the target when they were down to a utility only bill. Just getting SOME regime together would have been a miracle at that point.
4. I agree with the approach KGL took in getting Republican votes. Courting them individually was NOT working. Since they were stooges to the corporate lobbies, may as well do a run around and get the polluters on board. It didn't work, but if it had it would have been viewed as ingenius.
5. I was really disturbed by what the WH did. I mean wow!!! They really screwed it up big time. But I think the main reason was the fact that Carol Browner only had THREE staffers. When you don't invest in something, don't be surprised when it all blows up in smoke. Rahm was just being Rahm. But Axelrod was beyond ridiculous. He needs to resign and then come back for the '12 election, something which he is good at.
6. The article focussed on KGL in the Senate and the WH, but I agree with the article Mass linked to on who is really to blame:
Finally, for the sake of completeness and so as not to be misunderstood by those who aren’t regular readers and didn’t see my June 30 post (”Republicans demagogue against market-oriented climate measures they once supported“), most of the blame for this failure should go to the anti-science, pro-pollution ideologues. They have spread disinformation and poisoned the debate so that is no longer even recognizable. Who could have guessed just a couple of years ago, that the GOP champion of climate action would now trash a bill considerably weaker than the one he tried to pass twice? (see Rolling Stone on “The Climate Killers: 17 polluters and deniers who are derailing efforts to curb the climate catastrophe.”)
And if you are keeping score at home in the blame game, the media is the second most culpable group for their generally enabling coverage — see “How the status quo media failed on climate change” and How the press bungles its coverage of climate economics: “The media’s decision to play the stenographer role helped opponents of climate action stifle progress.”
Those two groups deserve about 90% of the blame (60-30?), I think (assuming that we assume the 60 vote antidemocratic super majority requirement is unchangeable). The other 10% goes to Obama and his team (along with Senate Democrats, scientists, environmentalists, and progressives) — and let’s not forget the “Think Small” centrists who also helped shrink the political space in the debate (see “Michael Lind of the New America Foundation misinforms on both climate science and clean energy“).
7. As to Reid, who comes out looking REALLY bad, let's not forget Chuck Schumer's role. I have no idea why his terrible behavior by saying on national TV that climate was going to be put on the back burner was completely forgotten.
8. Despite WH blunders and everything else that went wrong, there was NEVER a time when KGL had 60 votes nor any real hope of getting those 60 votes. I question whether under any circumstances they would have gotten those votes. The reason was toward the end of the article. The public just didn't view climate change as all that important.
9. I LOVED the part about McCain being mad that Graham was now being called the Maverick. It goes to show that McCain has just been lying through his teeth for the past 2 years about being a right wing conservative. He was just pandering to the right wing in Arizona due to the primary challenge. He would much rather be a maverick in the middle of the action, and resents what the tea party has reduced him to being. I mean what a bizarre system we have set up: crazy conservative activists have Republicans quivering in their boots while liberals are derided by Democrats every other week. I guess it comes down to the numbers.