I have the same problem as MBS, staying awake (though I am in central time) :-). Not too bad, but he is at times trying to be "cute" and that does not come naturally to him. OTOH I manage to stay awake to watch Rachel, and I must say that I enjoy her a lot. I enjoy her brand of nerdy cuteness and she is very, very smart. So while obviously partisan, she is so in an insightful and interesting way, not cheap demagoguery. I think she is by far the best among the MSNBC crowd.
And while talking of TV talking heads: any of you familiar with Pete Dominick? He is the guy on whose XM radio show Rick Sanchez said those stupid things. I came across him on my rides back from work a while back, and I am in love :loveya: Smart, funny (comedian by trade), informed, very liberal but continuously trying to be fair and open minded, he is an absolute breath of fresh air on talk radio. FYI he is on 2-5ET on satellite radio, unfortunately I can usually listen only to the last half hour or so. For the last few months he got a tiny, tiny spot on CNN at the end of John King's show, Pete on the street, or something like that, I watched it a couple of times, a complete waste of his talents. But last week-end (Saturday I think) I cam across by chance on a new show of his own, also on CNN, sometime in the afternoon, "What a week" or something similar. I only saw the last few minutes so I cannot say much about what it is all about. And yesterday I heard him mention that it is a pilot and it will be on again this coming week-end, I don't know about later. I doubt though that what in my view at least makes him special on non-commercial radio would translate well to commercial TV. Anyway... end plug:-)