Sen. John Kerry stumping, fund-raising for Giannoulias in Chicago. UPDATED
By Lynn Sweet on October 19, 2010 8:23 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Sen. John Kerry is in Chicago on Tuesday to stump and fund-raise for Democratic Illinois Senate nominee Alexi Giannoulias. Expect Kerry at a morning press conference to discuss clean energy proposals from Giannoulias--but the political punch will probably be Kerry going after a now controversial GOP allied, Karl Rove linked group called American Crossroads--dumping millions of dollars into Illinois ads excoriating Giannoulias. He will note, I am told, that some American Crossroads backers are the same people who bankrolled the "Swiftboat" attacks against him when he was running for president in 2004.
From the Giannoulias release to be distributed at the press conference later....
Rove's group is funded by many of the same fat-cat donors who financed the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and its dishonest smear attacks against Kerry's record during his presidential bid in 2004.
"Once again, Karl Rove and his wealthy corporate thugs are funneling millions of dollars, using dirty tricks and telling lies to sway an election," Giannoulias said. "Illinois voters cannot let the outcome of this race be determined by fat-cat billionaires and outside corporate interests."
Texas billionaire and Rove pal Harold Simmons, a major Swift Boat funder in 2004, gave $2 million to American Crossroads.
. Paul Singer, one of Kirk's biggest donors and a Swift Boat funder, has reportedly written a "seven-figure check" to American Crossroads.
Kerry will headline the Giannoulias fund-raiser over at the Baker and McKenzie offices after the press conference. Hosts are from the environmental community: Jack Darin, Howard Learner, Sheila and Bob Berner, Nancy J. Rich and Rick Saines.