story-- couldn't miss the photo and huge headlines on the sidewalk
all about his recent, consistent attempts to avoid the media, dubbed by the Herald as "Brown-Outs" :evilgrin:
U.S. Sen. Scott Brown — who kept his door wide open to the press during his improbable rise from obscurity to victory last January — has embraced a bold new media strategy as he maneuvers to keep his coveted Senate seat: not talking to the media.
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Brown gave the media the cold shoulder after a speech yesterday to local businessmen — just days after he ducked reporters’ questions and bolted out a side door after speaking at a Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce breakfast.
The self-imposed cone of silence around Brown marks a sharp departure from the open access he granted the press during his longshot campaign last winter. It’s also reminiscent of a similar strategy used by Brown’s political mentor, former Bay State Gov. Romney. .
But Brown’s strategy carries a steep downside as well, according to local experts.
“Scott Brown is probably risking his political future by taking such a hard line,” said Boston University politics professor Thomas Whelan. “It’s frankly bizarre. If he hopes to go farther up the political ladder, at least pretend to be more responsive. He’s coming across as an extremist.”
Other recent Brown-outs include:
• Grilled about his reluctance to take media questions at the State House earlier this month, Brown claimed to welcome questions, but then refused to answer one about the GOP’s election-night wipeout in the Bay State, saying, “Give me a break” before walking away.
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more at the link