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less-than-flattering story in BoHe on the Lesser Senator

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MBS Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-20-10 10:02 PM
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less-than-flattering story in BoHe on the Lesser Senator

cover story-- couldn't miss the photo and huge headlines on the sidewalk
all about his recent, consistent attempts to avoid the media, dubbed by the Herald as "Brown-Outs" :evilgrin:

U.S. Sen. Scott Brown — who kept his door wide open to the press during his improbable rise from obscurity to victory last January — has embraced a bold new media strategy as he maneuvers to keep his coveted Senate seat: not talking to the media.

. . .

Brown gave the media the cold shoulder after a speech yesterday to local businessmen — just days after he ducked reporters’ questions and bolted out a side door after speaking at a Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce breakfast.

The self-imposed cone of silence around Brown marks a sharp departure from the open access he granted the press during his longshot campaign last winter. It’s also reminiscent of a similar strategy used by Brown’s political mentor, former Bay State Gov. Romney. .

But Brown’s strategy carries a steep downside as well, according to local experts.

“Scott Brown is probably risking his political future by taking such a hard line,” said Boston University politics professor Thomas Whelan. “It’s frankly bizarre. If he hopes to go farther up the political ladder, at least pretend to be more responsive. He’s coming across as an extremist.”

Other recent Brown-outs include:

• Grilled about his reluctance to take media questions at the State House earlier this month, Brown claimed to welcome questions, but then refused to answer one about the GOP’s election-night wipeout in the Bay State, saying, “Give me a break” before walking away.
. .

more at the link
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wisteria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-20-10 11:00 PM
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1. I thought he said he wasn't part of the Tea Party? They have him on their hit list, so I guess he
has to pretend to do their bidding. But, he is going to need more then the Tea Party to get himself re-elected this time around.
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Mass Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-21-10 02:42 AM
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3. Stuck between two political realities. He needs them for money.
Edited on Sun Nov-21-10 02:44 AM by Mass
He has to stay away for political chances of reelection.

Now the dance between the local tea party and Brown is very funny to look at. They are very unhappy about him, but at the same time try to avoid strong criticism because they understand he is the best chance of the GOP in the state. Think Blue Dogs and liberal dems. This is what is happening.
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Mass Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-21-10 02:42 AM
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2. You mean the BoHe is outraged because they dont get access. F*ck them.
Is it possible that our junior senator has understood what a piece of junk they are? I cant believe that. It would be too good.
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karynnj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-21-10 03:05 PM
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4. Gee - and on the front page of the paper!
I have wondered how he has gotten away with his extremely vague " just jobs" nonsense answers - when he votes against jobs bills and the fact that he does seem to really have pretty thin skin given that his press has been the fluffiest I have seen for almost anyone. There is NO ONE the media has questioned less.(For example, when Blumenthal was called on how he spoke of being in the military and Kirk has been called on his exaggerations, NO ONE has had a problem of Brown speaking of "being the military for 30 years" or his "military experience". ) The Boston Globe did an extensive interview with him marking 6 months in office - then barely used it because to do so would expose him as rather in over his head.

It surprises me that they put this on the cover. They did have several articles on him last week - as always. The fluffiest one spoke of the fact that he uses Twitter - and thanks people who retweet his tweets. Can it be that 140 characters is the perfect length to explain Brown's positions?
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