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Cadmium posted the best analysis of the Grand Canyon answer I have ever seen what is clear is that

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karynnj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-24-10 12:46 PM
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Cadmium posted the best analysis of the Grand Canyon answer I have ever seen what is clear is that
Edited on Wed Nov-24-10 12:47 PM by karynnj
was another (of many) dishonest media hit. This link details how what the never recorded or transcribed question was evolved into the famous conditional question - when the answer clearly makes no sense if the conditional (if you knew ...) were both said and heard. They actually show how the "question" evolved over time - and the conditional exists just in the question, not the answer. It was Kerry's routine answer to voting at the time the vote occurred. Interesting that it was Candy Crowley (and then W) that they quote first as framing it that way. Oddly, Brit Hume of Fox DENIED that Bush was accurate - explaining that that was NOT was Kerry said.

Here is the Brit Hume part:

"Yes, Sanger just happened to choose an expert who thought Kerry looked "floppy" and Bush looked "shrewd." But over at Fox, in striking contrast, a Big Scribe was honest about Bush's latest clowning. On Tuesday, Bush was out playing the rubes, pretending that Kerry had said things he didn't on Monday. Indeed, Brit Hume just flat-out said so, chatting last night with the all-stars:

BUSH (shown on videotape): now agrees it was the right decision to go into Iraq. Knowing everything we know today, he would have voted to go into Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein from power. I want to thank Senator Kerry for clearing that up.

HUME (8/11/04): Well that line got a big cheer, as you saw yesterday when the president said it. But what Senator Kerry has said is not quite as the president has characterized it...Basically what Kerry has said, correct me if I'm wrong, is, Look, I would have wanted the authority if I'd been president. That's why I voted to grant this authority to go to war to the president...But he said he would have used it differently. He would have used it to as more of a lever for diplomacy. He would have used it to bring more allies aboard. He would have used it to as a threat behind inspections, to leave them going longer.

But the question is, the Bush camp knows what it's doing here. They know that they're stretching what the senator has said in trying to keep this the subject for the day. What about all this? "

I don't want to re-open this and I assume NO ONE wants to re-open this ever again, but thought it good to have out here - in our "research center". (and selfishly I want to be able to use DU's search if heaven forbid - it rears it's ugly head again. (Partly this is selfish - Cadmium posted it on Blue Mass, which does not have DU type search features - and I want to be able to find it easily and quickly)
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MBS Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-24-10 05:34 PM
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1. thanks to you. .and to Cadmium! n/t
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