(There website didn't make it easy to find!) They are holding up the start to wait for Senator Kerry.
http://video.nhl.com/videocenter/console?catid=616&intcmpid=nhl-hp-vidchn-pressroomKerry speaking said that the lobbyists thought of doing something for the Dupont Center, which had a great kids program. Kerry said that they have fun and kick the lobbyists on their butts. He was informed that this is the rubber match - they won with Kerry in 2009, lost in 2010. Said he listened to Bruins hockey on the radio. He said that he skated and played hockey on a frozen pond - because it was before rinks - he said he was dating himself. He joked of being the bionic man now.
Spoke of playing in the benefit that Dennis Leary (?) had where Phil Eposito played - a dream. ( Not from the interview, but was this the hockey game for the Worcester firemen?????)
Asked if he would have made hockey the national pastime if he had become President - No, but he would have tried to get it more attention. Asked how many times he had skated since his surgeries - 3 times, twice recently to practice and one at Christmas. Kerry said that he loves skating, but he has little time. He said that playing in this with so little playing was arrogant. He spoke of what a good neighbor Canada is - we get more of our oil from there than anywhere else.
Asked who he predicts will win - he laughed abd said they would, but he couldn't say by how much.
After that they said he seemed a genuinely nice guy, with a real interest in hockey - and that he looked great, his hair looked great, but it wouldn't after playing hard.
(That's all I can remember)
Now they are just speaking of the Congressional hearing they went to today.