he has just - in the last few weeks - introduced a huge amount of important legislation.
- the infrastructure bill (with Hutchinson)
- the foreign aid bill for Egypt and Tunisia (with McCain and Leiberman)
- the internet privacy bill (with McCain)
- the broadband expansion and use of white spaces in spectrum (with Snowe)
- the START- UP VISA bill (with Lugar)
- the BEER Act (with Crapo and 20 other Senators)
Note that on all of these he has a strong Republican co-sponsor - in a polarized Congress! Most of these create jobs and expand the economy. Many of these have significant chances of passing - and most are very important.
In addition, he is a very strong voice in saving the social services programs - enough that even Vennoci actually noticed.
On foreign policy, he has been a force. It could not have been pleasant to go to Pakistan under the circumstances he did, but you wonder if they could have made the deal they did had Senator Kerry not met with the families to express his condolences. Though I think Davis a murderer, the important thing was to not let the relationship with Pakistan go over the cliff - which is what it was doing. Could Obama have sent the Secretary of State? She blew up when she was there with the pleasant task of announcing projects (like dams) we were funding.
But, it is in the Middle East, where he is one of the few who responded well. He got credit for setting an excellent tone on Egypt - in every thing he did - including covering for the diplomat sent by HRC. On Libya, for two weeks many "pundits" said the WH was unhappy that he got out in front. However, they ended up EXACTLY where he was three weeks before. (One example of Kerry IS heard in that region - look at this Turkish account of his comment on Turkey in his speech this week -
http://www.turkishweekly.net/news/112888/u-s-senator-says-turkey-is-a-stunning-example-of-progress.html - It can't hurt how we are viewed in Turkey to have this printed! I had not thought of the distribution this would have - and to useone of the Senator's favorite words it is "stunning")
Additionally, if anything works between Israel/Palestine, Kerry will already have earned a footnote by re-engaging Syria - and being the only one close to Obama to speak of Gaza as he did.
(In fact, looking at all this - what I see is that it is a complete shame that the Democratic party fought against this man running again in 2008 - he could have selected Obama as VP.)