I won't post this in the big forums, as I think the criticism of Obama is unfair - and it would be explosive. But, I am posting it here because it is nice to see some prominent pundits recognizing that Kerry has vision and he has been really clear and on target on many foreign policy things.
"The essence of the Obama foreign policy is its lack of essence; its doctrine, the absence of doctrine. To allies, it seems unpredictable. To reformers, unreliable.
Contrast this with Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) speaking recently at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. While recognizing the risks of rapid change, Kerry asserted: “Just as the Berlin Wall could not be rebuilt, so we know that the old order in the Middle East cannot be restored.” He is proposing, along with Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and independent Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, a package of proposals to reinforce political and economic reform in the Middle East, similar to American efforts in Eastern Europe two decades ago. According to Kerry, Americans believe “that democracy enables the fullest expression of the human spirit and that economic freedom is the engine of human innovation. We believe that when people can trust their government and rely on its justice, the society that flourishes is a stable one. And we believe that stability and prosperity are powerful antidotes to the violent urges of nihilism and extremism.”
At this moment, we hope for the success of allied arms, the protection of Libyan civilians and the fall of a dictator. But it is Kerry’s vision that should guide the president forward. "
http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/obamas_belated_right_call_on_libya_intervention/2011/03/21/ABd6FD7_story.html?wprss=rss_homepageNot to mention, I love David's post on Blue Mass, even if his goal might have been mostly bashing the Junior Senator, a nobel goal in itself.
http://www.bluemassgroup.com/diary/22343/#274445(His title - Senator Kerry was way ahead of the curve on Libya. Brown, not so much. )