What is very suspicious is that the exact question was not recorded - or even transcribed. Kerry's answer was the same answer he gave on the vote for months and months - and it does work with the LATER IMPOSED question - as Kerry is saying that he would have allowed diplomacy and the inspections to work.
Here is a Daily Howler link that was written at the time on the media - you will see that Candy Crowley conflated a Bush rhetorical question to Kerry or how he would now with an answer that was clearly NOT to that question. You then see that much of the usually liberal media made that the story. Note that FOX NEWS actually disputes it. The fact is this blew over quickly in 2004 and Kerry changed strategy to simply saying the war was wrong - and not trying to defend the vote. (Even when asked if he thought that given that otherwise Saddam would still be in power - he still said that going to war was wrong.)
Here is the link -
http://www.dailyhowler.com/dh081204.shtml It is interesting that it was AFTER he lost that the GC became more of an issue - from the left.
As for Teresa and Kerry, my sister, and her husband, a Vietnam Vet teacher, were at the next event I think in Kingman, AZ. She expected Kerry to be great, and he was - but the one who completely blew her away was Teresa. My sister is far better than I am at reading people and she would have picked up on anything if it were real. There was a RW rumor that they were fighting, but the Kerrys denied it. Teresa had a migraine headache and she was dizzy at the Grand Canyon. (From all that is know of the Kerrys, they have a relationship where they welcome discussions where they do not have the same position.)
There is also no logic to claim that it cost Kerry the election. Kerry's numbers fell mostly due to the SBVT and the hate filled Republican convention - and the media coverage of it as acceptable. Did you hear even one commentator say the purple heart bandaids were out of line? But, Kerry's numbers rose through the debates and as he showed his anger that the ammo dumps were left unguarded. Without the Bin Laden tape - even the voter suppression that was rampant - and not just in Ohio would have not prevented a Kerry win.
As to the Patrick book, I don't see any quotes from him. I do remember that Kerry was involved in two things that helped him. Cam Kerry and Mike Dukakis and I think one other person had a committee that was designed to keep the Democratic primaries civil. In addition, Kerry gave a huge amount of money - at least 1 million - to be used by the winner for the General election.
There could be some competition between Kerry and Patrick, reflecting that each has a claim to being the top Democrat in the state. However, it is in their interest to work together - and it sure seems like they have. It have never read anything that suggests that there is not respect between the two of them. Both have legitimate claims on Obama - but the fact is that it is Kerry, not Patrick, who can be said to have helped Obama become President when he did. It flat out would not have happened if Kerry did not give him the slot to make that speech. I also think it would not have happened without the Kerry endorsement. (I doubt there would have been a Ted Kennedy endorsement, without Kerry's - because I doubt Bill Clinton would have acted as he did without Kerry calling him on the earlier parts. It was disgust with the Clintons that seemed to move Teddy.)
PS I agree with Mass's comment - why do you bring every bit of possible negative Kerry talk to this group?