Both articles are blog articles, so there is no real difference there, but one (the Murdoch paper) is informative about the bill itself, while reminding people that Kerry and McCain once were foes. The other one could not care less about the issue, but spends its time on things nobody cares about. I understand that conflicts sell, but, at this game, the Globe has no chance winning. The Herald is much better at printing juicy stories, and it does that while still informing people about local issues.
Data privacy is one of the hot legal issues of the day. Companies can not gather enough information about consumers’ interests and spending habits.
But one-time political foes John Kerry and John McCain are trying to put some limits on secretive data gathering.
The Johns yesterday filed the august-sounding Commercial Privacy Bill of Rights Act of 2011.
The bill would allow companies to gather only as much information as necessary to process a transaction or to deliver a service with the exception that information can be collected for research and development to improve the transaction or service, according to this statement form Kerry’s office about the bill. (If you want more, here’s a press conference announcing the legislation.)
McCain said in a statement that the legislation would allow businesses to market and advertise to Internet consumers, but “does not allow for the collection and sharing of private data by businesses that have no relationship to the consumer for purposes other than advertising and marketing,” UPI reports.
Some privacy advocates, though, say the legislation does not go far enough. The Electronic Privacy Information Center complains that the bill does not allow for a private right of action.
The American Civil Liberties union calls the legislation an important first step to protecting online privacy but said in this statement that the proposed law still would allow too much data sharing between companies.
“It unfortunately does not include a ‘do not track’ mechanism, which would allow consumers to opt out of having their online activity tracked, stored and shared with private companies for targeted advertising use,” the ACLU said.
“Currently, corporations can track individuals around the web, through social media and other sites. That information can be used to create detailed profiles about Americans’ complete online activities and can be sold to advertisers.”