sure you have all been following the news of the Huff Post being sold to AOL and now some bloggers suing Huffington and AOL, since they had blogged for free and are now not going to cash in with the acquisition. I have found the discussion quite interesting, especially since John Kerry is technically one of those "unpaid bloggers" (somehow, I doubt he is going to join the lawsuit :). It ends up that the NYT pays for their op-eds except for politicians. That makes sense. But they do pay varying amounts for op-eds -- in exchange for exclusivity.
The Huff Post never had exclusivity for unpaid bloggers, which was why a JK op-ed might appear on the Huff Post and DailyKos on the same day. This is why IMO the lawsuit has no merit and will be thrown out. We have all had our issues with Arianna's site over the years, but I would say she was pretty upfront with unpaid bloggers -- they were never on assignment, never forced to post a certain number of times, and never asked to have content for HuffPo and HuffPo only. Basically, these bloggers see a lot of money and are trying to get it. Well, that would be like if DailyKos got sold, and I as a diarist demanded money from Markos. Pretty absurd, especially since there are plenty of paid staffers at Huff Post now who actually do create original content (like Sam Stein).
Bill Keller has taken to bashing Huffington Post as of late, I suppose being on the defensive for the NYT's new paywall. Again, some stuff on the Huff Puff is lame, but Bill Keller's beef with them is aggregation. I don't know about the rest of you, but I think aggregation is an art form and highly valuable. I can't read the entire internet so aggregators make it much easier. The lament is that journalists who have to work very hard for investigative stories are being "ripped off" by aggregators like the Huff Post. Well, that's not true for me. If the Huff Post prominently features a big story (like the Rolling Stone story on the Kill Team), I go to the source and read the entire article. I think instead the Huff Post should be bashed for their sensationalistic headlines which often run counter to the underlying facts of some of their pieces. All of this is part of the ongoing fight between old media and new media, where I feel like new media could do a better job, and old media simply don't get the new world we are living in.