Oh, so Tora Bora was a pretty good lead, eh?
http://twitter.com/#!/DavidCornDC/status/65116456219717632My point in bringing this up is that the election in 2008 had consequences. Not just economically, but in killing OBL. I don't think it would have happened under McCain. I think Obama carried the torch of getting bin Laden that John Kerry first held in 2004. The Right have now been spinning hard that this was Obama simply carrying on Bush policies. Sorry, I don't think so. In fact, some of what Obama has done in Afghanistan may have been related as well. We don't know everything. What I do know is that when I saw candidate Barack Obama in 2007, he said he would go into Pakistan to get al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden with or without Pakistan's permission. And he fulfilled that promise. Juan Cole needs to eat crow (I had an argument with him at the time about this very issue). The Right has been pretty craven today, as has been some on the left. Let's all remember why this went down -- because Democrats actually cared about getting OBL, unlike Bush, who took his eye off the ball.
P.S. -- also, there is NO evidence that torture gave us the intel. And yet the Right is pushing that now as "fact" as well.