That he spoke of official briefings in context of the photos really is pretty silly - when that was not the case. He really wants to seem more important that he is - and is looking foolish instead.
This is one paragraph from the Boston Globe:
Brown's office is declining to explain who showed him the fake photos, why he would believe photos that didn't come directly from the administration, and why he had suggested he had seen them as part of an official briefing. Instead, Brown's office responded by releasing a one-sentence statement. are many sources picking up this story. Reading the Boston Globe comments - he is not doing well. My favorite though is this One:
Scott Brown should stop angling to get his face in front of every media microphone and camera he sees and quit making a fool of himself.
Meanwhile John Kerry is chuckling, because the method for getting rid of bin Laden is exactly what he stated publicly years ago - use of a small tactical force with pinpoint accuracy - like the SEALS.
Brown is a world-class buffoon. Tune him in any day on Boston media - he's always right there.
His comment that someone "dropped a dime" on his request to go to Afghanistan on your source is pretty silly - especially if it turns out that he brought it up - as it sounds - to Glen Johnson in that first Boston Globe article.
I may be watching too closely, but this week may be a disaster of Brown - and last weeks article on how he made no time at all for the MA diabetes advocate last week may begin to add up. he won't be as hard to beat as it has seemed - though he might have the teflon to not have this stick.
The Atlantic Wire is scathing - and they basically say that it was Senator Brown who put out the going to Afghanistan story.
Fox 25, as well as another Boston station, NECN, posted statements on their websites clarifying the senator's remarks. Brown told the Fox station "the photo that I saw and that a lot of other people saw is not authentic." Brown put his foot in his mouth elsewhere in his Fox interview. He exasperatedly told the news anchor that he had to talk about his possible training in Afghanistan because "the fact that somebody dropped a dime and it's out--you know, obviously I have to talk about it now." Who dropped that dime? The senator himself. About an hour and a half before Brown put out a statement announcing his overseas training, Brown told the Boston Globe's Glen Johnson, "I'm going to be going over at some point to do some missions." in two lies in one day!
They have video of his Fox interview.