Kerry's self defense letter.
I used search here to find a Boston Globe and a Time link that referred to what Kerry was doing. Here is the Time link - , which contains the BG link, which unfortunately is now behind a wall where you have to pay.
Here is a link to another BG article on this - that appears NOT to hit the firewall - Here is a Guardian link to one cable, where Kerry is speaking to the Amir of Quatar. In it, Kerry pushes back on Syria, when the Amir is advocating for them. have been many articles over time from the far right here (or in Israel) that have attacked Kerry for trying diplomacy. I don't think Kerry looks duped or naive here. He has never said that Assad was a good guy - he has always spoken of how there MIGHT be a way to get Syria to see that its self interest lies with not allying itself to Iran.
Diplomacy there has failed, but it didn't preclude any other approach. What it replaced was not talking to them - which also did not work. To me, this would say that even if the probability of Kerry's diplomacy working would have been 1%, it was worth taking for the good of the region and the world. 99% of the time, Kerry would look wrong, but the situation would be the same as if he did not try. But, 1% of the time, this could have been one of the many pieces needed to actually improve the middle east. (Here, I am suggesting a mathematical model where the parameters are not really knowable, but they can be "estimated". The equation could be:
Value of diplomacy = (probability of success)(heuristic value of success) + (probability of failure) (heuristic value of trying and failing)
This could be complicated further by breaking success into multiple categories of "success". Knowing that the value of success is very high and that the value of trying and failing is either a very low negative value (equal to wasting Kerry's time and any anger from Israel or more likely a very small positive as other Arabs countries may see it as a good faith effort.
The attack from the right comes from people who basically reject the idea of diplomacy with our enemies. However, limiting diplomacy to our friends means we are not involved with solving any of the key disputes or crises in the world. Even more than wanting to diminish Kerry, this is a philosophical divide. During the Bush years, we were criticized their policy of NOT talking to Syria and other countries. I think Kerry's defense is exactly right.