I knew Kerry's opponent had been a member of the John Birch Society, but hearing him, he was an original tea partier. It was interesting to see how consistent Kerry is on his key beliefs. However, you can also see how much better Kerry has become in stating them - though he was pretty good back then. It surprised me how aggressively he attacked Rappaport, though I suspect that Kerry was sincerely offended by Rappaport's personal business actions.
Complete diversion:
One thing that I found interesting was how Rappaport tried to use the New Republic article against Kerry. The New Republic was bought in 1974 by Marty Peretz, who for decades irrationally hated Kerry - even to sounding almost like a SBVT in 2004, in spite of being "liberal". Here's his biography
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marty_PeretzThe NYT magazine did a cover article on Peretz earlier this year. IMO, he is a psychological mess, who even in old age was dealing with father issues. In the article, he spoke of meeting with Kerry.
Peretz returned after a few minutes, fully dressed, and padded into the kitchen to make some tea. We made small talk about politicians. John Kerry’s name came up. Peretz remarked: “For 35 years, I’ve hated him. He would say I sucked up to Al, and I would say Al is a much more interesting guy. He called me last year, and we had dinner. Now we’re fine, it turns out most of our problems were personal, not political.”
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/30/magazine/30Peretz-t.html?pagewanted=3&_r=1 Al refers to Al Gore, who Peretz met when Gore was a student at Harvard and per the article bonded over being sons of difficult fathers. As to personal problems, reading the entire article lets me completely assign the personality problems to Peretz. (I suspect that Kerry's elite background, coupled with the fact that Kerry became the voice of the "antiwar, anti-communist faction of the Vietnam antiwar movement (that didn't want to destroy institutions) rather than the less charismatic Harvard Professor might have been part of the "35 years of hatred". Peretz likely resented Kerry's credibility, looks, eloquence, and incredible charisma and the fact that he may have resented Kerry as a Forbes/Winthrop descendant. )
The article is fascinating as it shows the warped personality of a man, who through his magazine, was able to affect the way many on left thought of many people. ("The Publisher" a book on Luce, who owned Time, Life and other magazines did the same for a more influential Republican, who influenced people for decades.) Today, we have an Australian right winger with magazines, Fox News etc doing the same.