I tried to google to get an income distribution and found this articles that says that the top 1% of the 1% (or the top .001%) have nearly $10 million - and stated it as 2009 number. I don't think the top 1% have not earned enough that about 100 times as many people are in that group.
http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/i/income/income_inequality/index.htmlLooking for info, this chart shows the 2006 numbers and the amount you needed to be in the top .1% was 1.6 million. It seems unlikely that the distribution shifted so much that 10 times that number of people now make over $9 million.
What is hard to believe is this is not a life's accumulation of money, but yearly INCOME. I guess this is the Republican base - that fulls all the Limbaugh voters in defending their right not to be taxed more.