Oh my god, we had ten a day during the primaries. I should post one and say "for old times sake". Most times people would pledge ABB. I remember once I told the Deanie's to go fuck themselves, I was really pissed at Howard Dean at the time, don't remember why now. Of course I would have gotten behind him because the Supreme Court was always the most important issue to me, which I posted numerous times. And then, as now, the Deanie's were always the victims anyway. In fairness, we had a couple of truly brutal Kerry supporters, I'm sure the Deanie's might put me in that category as well. The difference is, I rarely started flame threads, unlike these other two I'm thinking of.
It's the war vote mostly, I think. I just think that vote was so completely opposite of what people expected from John Kerry, some just decided it was political and find it all the more disgusting because he betrayed his own values, in their minds. Then there are those who didn't even pay attention in 2002 and base their opinions on the latest political speech. And call themselves informed. :eyes:
I don't see any hope for any sort of real unity at DU. It is difficult when you've got Democrats as different as McDermott, Liebermann and Lincoln. Howard Dean said alot of the things people wanted to hear, I just never believed he meant any of it. Too much of an election year conversion for my taste. I preferred a guy who had the right vision all along, but was willing to make the necessary concessions to at least make progress. I still think it's pretty damned impressive that JK was able to make peace with a country we were at war with, through diplomatic means alone. It may not be a perfect situation, but it's a damned site better than creating another N Korea, which is where we were headed.
Ack, what could have been. I can't think about it too much, just makes me cry.