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John Kerry - Building A Stronger Economy

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angrydemocrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-30-04 05:15 AM
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John Kerry - Building A Stronger Economy
John Kerry has always fought to build a stronger economy, so we have a stronger America, and a America that will always be strong and competitive for all Americans. Some of the things Kerry has accomplished are the following:

1)Crossed Party Lines To Support A Balanced Budget And Cast The Decisive Vote To Create 23 Million New Jobs - Shortly after joining the Senate, John Kerry crossed party lines to bring fiscal discipline back to Washington.

2)Fought for Gramm-Rudman-Hollings, Deficit Reduction Act, Balanced Budget Act. - John Kerry co-sponsored and voted for the landmark balanced budget and the deficit reduction bill to end runaway deficits. In 1993, John Kerry supported the Deficit Reduction Act, which put American back on track toward a balanced budget and fiscal discipline. John Kerry's vote reduced the deficit and resulted in the creation of 23 million new jobs. John Kerry also voted for the historic 1997 Balanced Budget Act, which dramatically reduced spending and balanced the budget for the first time in a generation.

3)Helped Increase The Minimum Wage - John Kerry was instrumental in passing the most recent increase in the minimum wage-$5.15 per hour in 1997.

4)Fought For The Child Tax Credit - John Kerry led a successful fight for an amendment he introduced to make sure that all working families receive a child tax credit.

5)Stood Up For Small Business - As chairman of the Senate Business Committee, John Kerry promoted policies to increase capital, open international markets, foster innovative technology companies, reduce red tape and increase federal contracting opportunities. He also created and improved the MicroLoan program, expanded the successful nationwide Women's Business Centers (WBC) and loan programs that help the small businesses of reservists stay afloat when they are on duty.
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vinessa4freedom Donating Member (874 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-30-04 06:55 AM
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1. small business
growth and protection are something Bush has been taking credit for for so long now. That so pisses me off. How the hell can he rationalize taxing the crap out of them, and denying them breaks because they don't use as much heavy equipment, don't outsource, blah, blah and still say he's helping small business. The only thing Bush is doing for small business is to assist their rapid financial failure. Arrrgh.:grr:

Thank you for the great John Kerry posts this morning. We all know he's the best thing that could happen to this country right now, but its like an affirmation to see them all spelled out.
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