John Kerry has fought all his life for a better, peaceful, and safer America. Her are a few of his accomplishments since he has been in the U.S. Senate:
1)Fought For 100,000 Additional Cops On The Street - As a former prosecutor, John Kerry understands the importance of strong law enforcement. That's why he led the fight to add police on our streets through his amendment to the 1993 Crime Control bill. John Kerry's amendment provided for $150 million to hire new police officers - a measure widely regarded as having helped lower the crime rate across the country.
2)Fought To Modernize And Strengthen America's Military. John Kerry has supported over $4 trillion in defense funding and has supported virally every successful weapons system in use by today's military. In 2002, John Kerry voted for the largest increase in defense spending since the 1980's. And because John Kerry understands that our national security begins with the men and women who risk their lives to protect it, he supported pay increases, benefit increases, and quality-of-life improvements for America's men and women in uniform throughout his career.
3)Fought Global Terrorism - John Kerry introduced critical legislation for cracking down on international laundering of terrorist funds. He was one of the key architects of the anti-money-laundering provisions in the Patriot Act designed to deny financing for terrorist, and he has consistently used provisions to press the Bush administration to crack down on terrorist financing activities by Syria and Saudi Arabia. He introduced a bill to ban arms exports to countries that provide support for acts of international terrorism, a proposal that was incorporated into the final 1990 State Department Authorization Bill.
4)Made The Homeland More Secure - John Kerry was an original co-sponsor of of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001, which improved our nations airline security after September 11th. He also helped pass legislation in response to September 11th that placed armed Coast Guard personnel on high-risk vehicles such as oil and gas tankers as they enter port.
5)Worked To Prevent The Spread Of Nuclear, Biological And Chemical Weapons - John Kerry has preventing the spread of nuclear weapons top priority. He fought for ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, fought against withdrawl from the Anti- Ballistic Missle Treaty, and has been a strong and persistent advocate of programs that help secure nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons stock piles and materials in the former Soviet Union so they do not fall into the hands of hostile states or terrorist.