Edited on Sat Jan-01-05 07:11 AM by angrydemocrat
51)S.Amdt.856 to Amdt.850 - To provide equal liability treatment of vehicle fuels and fuels additives 38 voted yes 57 voted no Kerry voted yes.
52)S.Amdt.836 to H.J.Res.51 - Debt limit increase resolution. 52 voted yes 46 voted no Kerry voted no.
53)S.Amdt.835 to H.J.Res.51 - Debt limit increase resolution - to extend the current pay as you go requirement 47 voted yes 52 voted no Kerry voted yes.
54)S.Amdt.833 to H.J.Res.51 - Debt limit increase resolution - to reduce the amount by which the statutory limit on public debt is increased. 47 voted yes 52 voted no Kerry voted no
55)H.R.2 - To provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 201 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2004. 50 voted yes 50 voted no vice president voted yes Kerry voted no
56)S.Amdt.783 to S.1050 - National Defense Act for fiscal year 2004 - to propose the insertion of matter in lieu of the matter proposed to be strickened 50 voted yes 48 voted no Kerry voted no.
57)S.Amdt.722 to S.1050 - To modify requirements applicable to the limitation on the designation of critical habitat of conservation of protected species under the provision on military readiness and conservation of protected species 51 voted yes 48 voted no Kerry voted yes
58)H.R.2 - Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconcilliation Act of 2003 51 voted yes 49 voted no
59)S.Amdt.678 to H.R.1298 - To provide emergency funding for food aid to HIV/AIDS affected populations in sub-Saharan Africa 48 voted yes 52 voted no Kerry voted yes
60)S.Amdt.676 to H.R.1298 - To provide alternate terms of the United States perticipation in Global Funnd to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis, and Malaria 48 voted yes 52 voted no Kerry voted yes
61)S.Amdt.666 to S.1054 - To strike the section relating to qualified tax collection contracts 43 voted yes 52 voted no Kerry voted yes
62)S.Amdt.662 to S.1054 - To amend the Internal Revenue Code 1996 to close the "janitors insurance" tax loophole 37 voted yes 63 voted no Kerry voted yes.
63)S.Amdt.572 to S.1054 - To improve access to higher education for middle income families by making available resources to extend the Hope and Lifetime Learning Scholarship Credits and for lower-income families bt making resources available to increase the maximum Pell Grant to $4500 and to provide and equal amount for deficit reduction by eliminating the 10 percent dividend tax exclusion for amounts above $500 and eliminating acceleration of the 38.6 percent income tax rate education. 49 voted yes 50 voted no Kerry voted yes
64)S.Amdt.545 to S.1054 - To eliminate the dividend and upper bracket tax cuts, which benifit the wealthy, to provide additional funds necessary for adequate medicare precription drug benifit, including insuring that benefits is comprehensive, with no gaps or excessive cost sharing, covers all medicare beneficiaries, provides special help for beneficiaries with low income and does not undermine employer retirement coverage. 48 voted yes 52 voted no Kerry vote yes
65)S.Amdt.663 to S.1054 - To provide reconciliation pursant to section 201 and concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2004. 44 voted yes 51 voted no Kerry voted yes
66)S.Amdt.664 to S.1054 - To modify the dividend exclusion provision and for other purposes 50 voted yes 50 voted no the vice president voted yes to break the tie. Kerry voted no
67)S.Amdt.639 to S.1054 - To apply sunset provision to revenue increase provisions 51 voted yes 49 voted no Kerry voted no
68)S.Amdt.605 to S.1054 - To provide a refundable tax credit for care giving related expenses. 48 voted yes 51 voted no Kerry voted yes
69)S.Amdt.615 to S.1054 - In nature of a substitute. 44 voted yes 56 voted no Kerry voted yes
70)S.Amdt.656 to S.1054 - To create jobs, provide opportunity, and restore prosperity. 46 voted yes 54 voted no Kerry voted yes
71)S.Amdt.611 to S.1054 - To make the child tax credit acceleration appicable to 2002 49 voted yes 51 voted no Kerry voted yes
73)S.Amdt.622 to S.1054 - To encourage the investmest of foreign earnings within the United States for productice business investmenets 75 voted yes 25 voted no Kerry voted no
74)S.Amdt.620 to S.1054 - To provide pay protection for members of the Reserve and National Guard and for other purposes 46 voted yes 54 voted no Kerry voted yes
75)S.Amdt.557 to S.1054 - To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make higher education more affordable 49 voted yes 51 voted no Kerry voted yes
76)S.Amdt.619 to S.1054 - To provide a complete substitute. 46 voted yes 54 voted no Kerry voted yes
77)S.Amdt.575 to S.1054 - To further enhance the denialof deduction for certain fines penalties, and other amounts. 37 voted yes 67 voted no Kerry voted no
78)S.Amdt.617 to S.1054 - In nature of a substitute. 35 voted yes 65 voted no Kerry voted yes
79)S.Amdt.614 to S.1054 - To ensure enactment of the medicre precription drug benefit 44 voted yes 56 voted no Kerry voted yes
80)S.Amdt.564 to S.1054 - To ensure temporary state fiscal relief. 47 voted yes 52 voted no Kerry voted yes.
81)S.amdt.594 to S.1054 - To amend title XVII of Social Security Act to enhance benificiary access to quality health care services in rural areas under medicare program 86 voted yes 12 voted no Kerry voted yes
82)S.Amdt.587 to S.1054 - To accelirate the elimination of marriage penalty in earned income credit 49 voted yes 51 voted no Kerry voted yes
83)S.Amdt.578 to S.1054 - To expand the refundability of the child tax credit 49 voted yes 51 voted no Kerry voted yes
84)S.476 - An original bill to provide incentitives for charitable contributions by individuals and businesses, to improve the public disclosure of activites of exempt organizations and to enhance the ability of low income Americans to gain financial security by building assets and for other purposes. 95 voted yes 5 voted no Kerry voted yes
85)S.Amdt.527 to S.476 - To exclude 25% of gain on sales or exchanges of land of water interests to entity for any charitable purpose. 62 voted yes 38 voted no Kerry voted yes
86)Nomination #PN16 - Timothy M. Tymkovich, of Colorodo to be United States Circuit Judge for the Tenth Circuit. 58 voted yes 41 voted no Kerry voted no.
87)S.Amdt.431 to S.Con.Res.23 - To express the sense of the Senate regarding extending the $1,000 child tax for additional three years. 99 voted yes 1 voted no Kerry voted yes
88)S.Amdt.430 to S.Con.Res.23 - To extend the child tax credit until the year 2013. 48 voted yes 52 voted no
89)S.Amdt.429 to S.Con.Res.23 - To provide additional pay and benefits for active duty, guard, and reserve forces, such as augmenting Imminent Danger Pay and Family Seperation allowance, and for modernization of equipment, weapons, technology needs for families left behind. 100 voted yes o voted no
90)S.Amdt.544 to S.1054 - To provide additional weeks of temporary extended unemployment compensation and to provide a program of temporary enhanced regular unemployment compensation, and for other purposes. 50 voted yes 49 voted no Kerry voted yes
91)S.Amdt.569 to S.1054 - To urge the Senate Finance Committee and the Joint Economic Committee to hold hearings and consider legislation providing for a flat tax. 70 voted yes 30 voted no Kerry voted no.
92)S.Amdt.556 to S.1054 - To repeal the 1993 income tax increase on Social Security benefits and to offset the revenue loss. 49 voted yes 51 voted no Kerry voted yes.
93)S.Amdt.589 to S.1054 - To amend Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and to repeal the 1993 income tax increase on social security benefits. 98 voted yes 2 voted no Kerry voted yes
94)Nomination #PN11 - Priscilla Richman Owen, of Texas, to be the United States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit. 52 voted yes 45 voted no Kerry voted no
95)Nomination #PN6 - Miguel A Estrada, of Virginia, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fifth District. 54 voted yes 43 voted no Kerry voted no
96)Nomination #PN295 - Edward C. Prado, of Texas, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit 97 voted yes 0 voted no
97)Nomination #PN276 - Richard D. Bennett, of Maryland, to be the United States District Judge of the District of Maryland 99 voted yes 0 voted no
98)Nomination #PN197 - Dee D. Drell, of Louisiana, to be United States District Judge for the Western District of Louisana 99 voted yes 0 voted no
99)S.196 - A bill to establish a digital and wireless network technology program, and for other purposes 97 voted yes 0 voted noted
100)S.Amdt.409 to S.Con.Res.23 - To provide full and mandatory funding for JDEA beginning in FY2004 28 voted yes 70 voted no Kerry voted yes