For your compliments to my posts and Amen to what you are saying in yours. I feel Newsweek is doing this for hype as well. But I must say it still pisses me off highly to think of the garbage that has been wrote and said about Kerry throughout the primaries, campaign, and even since the campaign ended. I will say that some have finally come around to reality and laid off the man and I hope that continues. But unfortunately alot of the assholes did there damage before coming back to reality. But that is what people like me and you are for. We are his troops that are set out on a mission, to bring down the enemy and anyone who chooses to fight for the enemy, and restore faith, dignity, and hope in our country at home and all the while fighting for America to be respected in the world once again. And he is our leader that will show us and direct us in how to successfully get the mission accomplished. As he himself said "just because someone says mission accomplished doesn't make it so and folks let me tell you this mission is far from being accomplished." We all must not sit around licking our wounds and give in to the enemy now it is the time we must all stand together proud with our leader and "FIGHT LIKE HELL" we must "Never Retreat Never Surrender!"
We all must roll up our sleeves and get back to work. We must do this now not later because there is no time to waste or lose in this for the battle we all face will be a long, uphill, hard fought battle. But this is a battle we must fight hard and we must win. And if there is one thing our leader has taught us no matter how hard, no matter what the enemy may throw our way, no matter what others say, my friends we are better than they are, and we are the better fighters in this fight, and "we must and we will prevail." Trust me, that is what worries the enemy in this fight and they should be worried, because as has history has shown the truth always comes out, and good always come with truth.
And guess what it isn't our leader that is crooked as hell, it isn't our leader who has lied and continues to lie to the American people, it isn't our leader that has destroyed this countries reputation and respect in the rest of the world, it isn't our leader and democrats that has this country in debt up to its eyeballs, it isn't our leader that continues to take away from the poor to give to the rich, it isn't our leader that continues to allow health care and education to be destroyed by continuously promoting tax cuts for the rich when this country is already in debt so bad it will take decades to recover and we are in the middle of a war, and it sure as hell wasn't our leader that picked up that red telephone and started a unjust war that is clearly becoming another Vietnam. No my friends this is not damage done by our leader, but this is clearly the damage done by the illiterate dumbass sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., this is the damage done by a illiterate dumbass that claims to have a so-called mandate and now is ready to add destroying Social Security to his list. Well my friends we need to remember what Truman said "THE BUCK STOPS HERE" and we need to make sure it does.
We must get behind our leader and fight the good fight. We must fight for what is right and be proud of what we are fighting for. We cannot let evil prevail instead we have to destroy it and quick or my friends we will have no country left. Sounds harsh yes but sadly that is the reality if we continue not to stand behind a true leader, one that cares about America and it people, one who has the intelligence, personality, knowledge, the sure fire will, and ability to lead us and our country where we need to be led. We have the leader staring Americans in face, trying to show all Americans if there was ever a time for all to fight it is now, trying to show Americans what is happening to our country and will continue to happen if Americans don't step up to the plate and say enough is enough, and trying to show Americans that he isn't the enemy and in fact the enemy is sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and is well on his way to destroying more than he already has and the scariest part is he is well on his way to recruiting new enemies.
AMERICA WAKE UP! It is time for Americans to open their eyes and face the truth because my friends it is staring back at you everyday and the longer you ignore the facts and truth that are facing us the worse it will be and the more you empower the enemy. And the more you allow the enemy to be empowered the harder the fight will be. We must destroy the enemy and the evil empire and shatter their power before they destroy and shatter us. If you don't think of yourselves so much in this then stop and think of what these bastards are doing to our children, grandchildren, to elderly people, hell lets face it my friends this is about a hell of lot more than me and you. We have to fight for those who are unable to fight here as well.
We must realize while we have one of the greatest leaders we could possibly have but one man no matter how great cannot fight this battle alone. This battle is far to big for one man to shoulder. This is a war between good and evil, a war about having rights and not having rights, this is a war about having a great country that is free for our kids, grandkids, and many generations to follow, and this is a war about values. This is a war that must be hard fought and won. And my friends we need our leader John Forbes Kerry leading us in this war and he needs his troops (us) backing him up in order to prevail. As long as we all realize this we shall prevail and the enemy will destroyed. So it is time my friends to fight and let it be known ....