why not go all the way? Remember your thorough and well executed investigations of the past into BCCI, and Iran Contra/CIA and how it all lead to the Bush crime family? Amazing how the Bush crime family's influence and fingers are into everything. Want to know who really had JFK assassinated? Watch the DVD "JFK2."
JFKII (video/DVD):
http://www.jfkii.com /
DVDs on 9-11 and JFK assassination (Bush Crime Family connection):
http://www.rbnlive.com/videodvd.html Reviews about JFK2 and free downloads:
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread135335/pg1 Eyeopening. Wasn't Bush senior in a very instrumental position in the CIA then?
The Bush Administration is a house of cards ready to fall big time.
You think lying about how early they really decided to go to war, and what their reasons for going to war were (all based on fabrication and a pack of lies) is big time and impeachable? Yea, you're right it is. You think stealing 2 elections was difficult? It was a walk in the park for these evil-doers. But why not follow the evidence all the way and try them for treason and murder? 9-11 was an inside job. Follow the ample evidence. As Deep Throat said, "follow the money."
I personally have just woken-up to this reality. I couldn't wrap my head around this for the longest time. But the science, the physics of it not happening the way they officially said it did convinced me. Measurable physical evidence and facts don't lie. The evidence is overwhelming. The 9-11 Commission Report was a white-wash. Go for where this round of crimes really begins . . .
Q: How were they ever going to get the American public fired-up and ready to go to war? A: 9-11 had to happen. The Bush Administration made it happen. They got their war, pipeline, oil fields, military bases, corporate war profiteering, and a radical fascist right wing neo-con government, Patriot Act and so much more. What are thousands of lives worth to these people? Nothing.
Here is a start:
Coalition of Scientists and Engineers look at the Evidence of 911 (Great Resource):
http://www.physics911.net Hunt and Spot the Boeing! Test your perception (French Site):
http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm"Pentagon Strike" --- a Video describing the Pentagon attack (very good):
http://www.neiu.edu/~ayjamess/hmmm.htm#Main http://www.pentagonstrike.co.uk /
NYFD Firemen discuss explosions prior to WTC towers collapsing:
http://www.letsroll911.org/discussion_in_firehouse.mpg http://www.letsroll911.org "9-11 in Plane Site: The Director's Cut" (video/DVD):
http://www.911inplanesite.com /
http://www.911inplanesite.com/911article.htm David Ray Griffin, author, at Madison Univ.(full speech):
http://mp3.rbnlive.com/download/griffin_madison_full_25.wmvVideo analysis of the South Tower WTC attack, showing a missile launch
just before aircraft impact (several MSM sources show this on their
video of the event as well):
http://www.911wasalie.com/phpwebsite/index.php?module=announce&ANN_user_op=view&ANN_id=16Google, search, read, study and learn. The 9-11 truth movement is happening . . . how long have we been sleeping?:boring:
:hi: Hi everyone! I've been away from DU and the John Kerry Group for awhile, but I've been busy learning more and more. NGU.
John Kerry is my President.
(Edited to fix links and add one)