From Light Up The Darkness (see original post for links) Conservative Spin on Kerry Statement
3 June 2005
We know that many modern conservatives no longer support the Constitution in backing the principles the country was founded on such as individual liberty, separation of powers, an independent judiciary, and separation of church and state. We also learned during the Clinton years that they have a strange sense of what constitutes an impeachable offense, such as a private consensual sexual relationship. What is a surprise is to learn is that the conservatives apparently don't even recall the Constitutionally mandated procedure for impeachment.
The Conservative Voice has twisted one of Kerry's statements reported yesterday, claiming that "Kerry advised that he will begin the presentation of his case for President Bush’s impeachment to Congress, on Monday."
Actually Kerry said nothing of impeachment when he said, "When I go back on Monday, I am going to raise the issue," when speaking of the Downing Street Memos. A basic understanding of the Constitution, not to mention a respect for honest journalism, should make the author realize the absurdity of this false statement. Impeachment must begin in the House of Representatives, and therefore Senator Kerry would not be involved in a move towards impeachment. However, as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, it would be reasonable for Kerry to investigate such evidence that President Bush lied to Congress, as well as the American people, while preparing to go to war against Iraq based upon distorting intelligence reports.
Such misquotations of John Kerry are not unusual from the right. Afterall, this was the main means by which the Republicans attacked Kerry throughout the 2004 Presidential campaign. This again raises the question of why, if they apparently have so many areas of disagreement with John Kerry, they don't have the honesty--or guts--to attack him based upon things he actually said.