Edited on Fri Jun-10-05 08:29 PM by TayTay
to contact Sen. Kerry's office and ask him about the DSM. Something about her letter pissed me off, so I took her up on it. (She was bitching about getting a letter that said Sen. Kerry responds to constituents first. Duh! Of course he does.)
I was, I swear, wicked polite. But here, I can paraphrase in hopes of being brief. (I can hope, can't I?)
Dear Greatly Esteemed Senator:
I have voted for you every time your name was on the ballot before me. (Honest.) That said, I want to know about the DSM and what your position on it is and stuff. I understand you've been a bit busy, so just let me know what the current status of and positio on that is.
Thanks TayTay
I got back the standards response:
June 9, 2005
Dear Ms. (TayTay):
Thank you for contacting me. I appreciate that you took the time to write and am glad to hear your concerns. Your message has been forwarded to the appropriate staff in my Senate office. I take into account the correspondence my office receives. However, due to the amount of email we receive we are unable to respond individually to each message. Again, thank you for writing.
John F. Kerry United States Senator *************************
I can wait. It's worth it. Then I can post back to that woman and tell her. (We do have the right to ask.)