Only a minority of people read and write on blogs. I think a huge proportion of them are from the Anti-War Left, since they are so upset about the war and the MSM coverage of it. Although I have some sympathy to them, they're kind of like . . . well . . . the anti-abortion movement. They think all wars are wrong, that the U.S. only does evil, self-serving things abroad, and they villainize any or all Democrats that don't have as an extreme a point of view as them. They think they are MORALLY CORRECT, they see the world as black and white, they are not interested in analyzing the situation to find out the Truth. Instead they are only looking for facts that support their already foregone conclusions and disregard any or all facts that run to the contrary of their anti-war sentiment (like, say, Iraqis that are happy that we ousted Saddam Hussein). In short, they hate nuance just as much as the religious right. As an opposition group, they are great, pointing out injustice, hypocracy, atrocities, etc. But I NEVER want these guys running the government, because they are too naive, and don't understand that, for example, without oil, our economy collapses. I think you guys call them "Lefty Freepers", an apt phrase indeed. These people are great cannon fodder for Rush Limbaugh, et al, and sometimes they cost us elections (although probably not in 2004).
Anyway, this crowd HATES Kerry, because Kerry won't go far enough for them. So they've decided that he only used them for political gain in the '70s (ABSOLUTE bullshit -- anyone see that picture of Kerry in Butler's picture book where his wife is comforting him after the medal/ribbon throwing ceremony? It stopped me dead in my tracks). They equivocate Kerry's IWR yes vote to * himself taking us to war, even though it's apparent now that * lied and tricked Congress into voting for that resolution right before the 2002 elections. The whole war was scheduled around the political calender! But, no, it's all Kerry's fault.
So if you start thinking of these people as the left version of the 'pro-life' movement you will understand that there is no use in engaging these people. Their 'bible' is NO WAR. EVER. Go back in time and listen to their condemnation of the Kosovo War. They are unreasonable, and a little divorced from reality. However, maybe in person, they might throw a good party, write a good poem, play some nice music. Who knows. But in the coldness of the web, I find them to be anti-war fundamentalists.