I believe that what we started in this campaign will not end here. And I know our fight goes on to put America back to work and make our economy a great engine of job growth. Our fight goes on to make affordable health care an accessible right for all Americans, not a privilege. Our fight goes on to protect the environment, to achieve equality, to push the frontiers of science and discovery, and to restore America's reputation in the world. I believe that all of this will happen -- and sooner than we may think -- because we're America. And America always moves forward.
I think he was saying that he intended to continue to fight for the causes he's always fought for as senator, and wouldn't stop just because he didn't win the election. He wanted to assure people of that, and inspire them all to keep on fighting in whatever ways they could. He's an optimist and a natural leader who inspires people to believe in him.
I think the "got your back" story really did happen, and became a metaphor for all of us working together. I take it at face value and don't read anything more into it. I know he would like everyone to work to fix our elections. But if he wanted us to contest the last election he'd have done more talking about it himself. He'd know he'd have to step out in front first.
The person really did say it at the concession speech:
Audience member: "We still got your back!
JK: "Thank you, man. And I assure you – you watch – I'll still have yours."
He really does want everyone to keep fighting for what is important, and at one point talked about how they took it to the streets back in the 70s, and that people should do the same, now. Not that he'll lead the march, but would support it, because, as he said, "that's where I came from." If he had become president he would have had a lot more options as far as making America better, but as it is he is a senator and can still do a lot. That he is still fighting shows us a lot about who he is and why he wanted to become president. He's a true statesman and public servant.
He wants those who supported him to keep on supporting him, and that's why he's still sending out emails and things. I'm sure he's going to try for another run for the nomination, because he's setting all the right things in place for it.
Does all this make sense?