And my list grows ever longer. My friends know about my list, it’s the “People Who Ought To Be Glad I’m Broke” list. If I had money, I would spend every last penny hunting them down for the pure pleasure of tweaking their noses and calling them idiots. Whoever authorized Kerry’s goose hunting trip, YOU, you’re on the list! (Go to the mirror and give yourself a tweak, even if it’s the Senator)
To the point, Mr. Lakoff, if “don’t think of an elephant” means not using their words and strategies to help them further their agenda, why in gods green earth DID YOU JUST DO IT?? I don’t even know what his recent blog is about, because Bush has pissed the country off by linking Iraq to 9/11 again. Even in Kansas.
After pretending that Bush has been successful in resurrecting the Iraq-9/11 meme, Lakoff goes on to offer up his words of wisdom which is nothing more than the EXACT things Democrats have been, and still are, saying.
A sampling from the last few days:
In some respects, the Downing Street memo is the least problematic of the lot. The most problematic, in my view, is the memo leaked just a few weeks ago that expressed alarm at the Bush Administration's lack of planning for post-Saddam Iraq. (Sen Salazar)
The Administration's view of the war in Iraq is divorced from reality… the White House continues to distort the facts today. As we have all seen from the Downing Street Minutes, this pattern began before the war started. (Sen Kennedy)
Admitting mistakes is a necessary hurdle and a constructive tool for this Administration if it wants to build the strength necessary to get it right in Iraq…And that includes acknowledging that Iraq today is something it wasn't before the war: a breeding ground for jihadists. (Sen Kerry)
There is a growing feeling among the American people that the President’s Iraq policy is adrift, disconnected from the reality on the ground and in need of major mid-course corrections. “Staying the course,” as the President advocates, is neither sustainable nor likely to lead to the success we all seek. (Sen Harry Reid)
There is another side to “don’t think of an elephant” and that would be “don’t feed the elephant”. If you don’t want Americans to think Democrats are incompetent, quit saying they are. If you don’t want to get drawn into ideological debates, choose words that don’t reflect a known controversial ideology or words that have already been framed by the right. Most importantly, never ever ever say Democrats and Republicans are the same; that is a rose on a silver platter.
I suspect Mr. Lakoff would prefer to see words like "exit strategy", "withdrawal" and "timetable", words that are very popular with the anti-war left. As much as Mr. Lakoff claims to understand the moral values of Kansans, one value he either doesn’t understand or doesn’t share, is the simple value of cleaning up your own mess. You simply cannot tell Kansans, or Americans, that we destroyed another country for no reason, and expect them to think the solution is to say “oops, sorry” and abandon them. You cannot tell them that we have turned another country into a breeding ground for terrorists who will kill people around the globe, and expect them to say “not my problem”. You certainly can’t tell Americans that asking others to die for our mistakes is an honorable solution.
The Democratic leadership understands this, which is why they have chosen words like "milestone", "benchmark", "finish the mission" and plain old "Iraq strategy". This in no way “supporting the President’s position,” and that out and out LIE caused more harm last year than any combination of supposed mistakes the Kerry campaign or Democratic Party made. I am horrified that anybody who purports to want to hold the Bush Administration accountable for getting into this mess, and to get us out as well, would continue to say such a singularly stupid thing.
Bush’s Iraq policy, terrorism policy and foreign policy is horrific. Democrats have done nothing but say so for months. What exactly does Mr. Lakoff think the fight against Ms. Rice and Mr. Bolton, for instance, were about? What does he think “miserable failure” meant? What does he think the “most important election of our lifetime” was all about? Bush is building permanent bases, Kerry is calling for an unequivocal statement against permanency. How could the difference be made clearer?
Head to the nearest mirror, Mr.Lakoff and tweak, hold on…. don’t let go…one final twist…. aaaahh, that’s better.
On edit: Nose tweak for me. This isn't the Kansas guy. Same principle though.