Edited on Wed Jul-06-05 07:48 PM by saracat
could we allow them to pass CAFTA? 10 Democrats New Mexico's Jeff Bingaman, Washington's Maria Cantwell, Delaware's Tom Carper, California's Dianne Feinstein, Arkansas' Blanche Lincoln, Washington's Patty Murray, Florida's Bill Nelson, Nebraska's Ben Nelson, Arkansas' Mark Pryor and Oregon's Ron Wyden as well as Vermont independent Jim Jeffords, who caucuses with the Democrats, voted for the president's proposal.
As a result, CAFTA was approved on a 55-45 vote. This is almost as bad as the Bankruptcy Bill. Why are we not getting our people to hang together? Reid is certainly not a Leader in the mold of LBJ.LBJ never would have allowed these kind of defections . I am really angry. This kind of thing really causes me to lose hope, and before people point out that these are Senators in conservative area up for reelection Blah! Blah! Blah!, what good is it having Dems that don't vote with us? Even if we gain the majority and set the agenda, if they vote against our ideals, we haven't accomplished anything. I am really disheartened. It is only people like Kerry and Boxer and Kennedy who give me hope. I hope they and some others are enough.