Sen. Kerry published a nice article in the Lowell Sun today. I would love to put it up here so that you can see that it is essentially the same OpEd he wrote for the NYTimes on Iraq but the troglodytes at the Lowell Sun refused to put it up at the WebSite. (But the deathless Editorial about uncivil behaviour and cell phones (heavens!) going off in movie theaters was there.) Honestly, the Lowell Sun sucks! (On the bright side, they did use the good pic this time and they did credit him with being the Jr. Senator from MA since 1984, so things are on the upswing as far as Sun-Kerry relations go.)
Also on the plus side, Sen. Kerry was not mentioned as one of those panty-waisted cry-babies who were accused of giving aide and comfort to the enemy br criticizing the war in Iraq. (Course, that was before he wrote the OpEd that appeared today, so there is still time for a Sun retaliatory Ed that will put My Junior Senator's name in the Hall of Shame.) two nice LTTE battles that mention Kerry, but focus on Iraq: First the hippie, peacenik, Dem: the practical, former military, non-peacenik realist (and patriot, this is still the Lowell Sun):