a poster who goes by the username "traitorbushchimp".
My reply to him:
Just drop the "bushchimp" part , (none / 0)
and your moniker will be more appropriate.
What have you EVER done for this country, that you have the right to tear down a good man like Kerry, who is one of our most reliable liberals in the Senate, and is continually working his ass off to help this country? But then you apparently have no idea of what he is doing - or how politics actually works in this country. Do I agree with everything Kerry has said and done? Hell NO! But goddamn it out of 100 people who are hurting this country HOW THE FUCK does Kerry even come close?
I have no idea who you are, but your post here fills me with absolute contempt.
And the guy(gal?) "Norwell" who started the thread, had just rejected someone's suggestion to put Michael Moore on the list. But he listed Kerry. Jerk.
Just so you know who some of those people are over at dailykos, if you encounter them on a non-Kerry thread. (It will be obvious on a Kerry thread, of course.)
{Edited for typo}