John Kerry Works to Secure America's Ports
12 July 2005
Senator John Kerry will offer an amendment to the Homeland Security Appropriations Bill today that aims at fixing gaping holes in the agency's work to secure America's ports.
"Almost four years after September 11th, our port security is in alarming shape, and the attacks on soft targets in London are a chilling reminder why there is no time to wait. The Administration has been asleep at the switch while shipload after shipload of cargo slips into our ports uninspected. We've spent more on the Capitol Visitors' Center than on the Port Security Grant Program. The Department of Homeland Security's own Inspector General said that only a fraction of the money awarded for port security grants has actually been spent, and much of what has been spent has been badly mismanaged. We have to fix this mess, fix it right away, and hold the administration accountable for getting this right," said Senator Kerry.