protestor handed us a half sheet of paper with quotes on it. My friend didn't even look at it and tucked it away. She asked her the same question again. The first comment out of the young women's mouth was gay marriage. My friend asked if they'd heard Howard speak which obviously they hadn't. Gov. Dean had made a point of saying during his speech that if you were unwilling to offer marriage, you must offer equality under the law to gay and lesbian couples. (I don't agree with Gov. Dean on this point; I think it must be marriage or the government should exit from the marriage business entirely-there is no separate but equal).
I'm sure most of you realize why I'm posting this here. If not, I will elaborate later.
If I didn't have to go back to doing my schoolwork I'd be having some serious fun with this over at dkos and a few other places.
Oh and in case you're wondering - the inflammatory phrase in my title is apparently nowhere to be found in the 100 comments I just searched on that diary.