but I have to say the AFL-CIO did not strike me as having the kind of strength unions in other countries are.
I do not know enough except that to judge their effectiveness for the American Workers (Why do all European countries have decent healthcare access for workers, for example, but not this country).
Stern was a bastard, you're right. The question is to know in what direction he wants to move. If it is to be more pro-business, this is a bad thing. If it is to fight for the workers, it is not. No clue where he stands on all the issues he should stand for.
I have to say this few words get my attention:
Andy Stern, of the SEIU, says it’s about changing priorities in order to regain union strength, changing from servicing union workers to organizing union workers.
“SEIU and other unions have tried for 10 years to get the AFL-CIO to adopt changes that would unite the strength of millions more workers in each industry.
But it remains to see what happens.
Read Sandy's blog for more info: