The Senate vote on CAFTA just started
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Thu Jul-28-05 06:58 PM
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The Senate vote on CAFTA just started |
Edited on Thu Jul-28-05 07:06 PM by ginnyinWI
Cspan 2. It passed the House last night 217-215.
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Thu Jul-28-05 07:02 PM
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Didn't the Senate vote a few weeks ago.
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Thu Jul-28-05 07:48 PM
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I just had Newshour on, and he said that the Senate passed Cafta last month?? But right on Cspan's screen they said they were voting on Cafta tonight. ?? I don't get it. But he said it goes to the WH for signature now.
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Thu Jul-28-05 07:51 PM
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the House voted a version that was slightly different from the Senate, so the Senate had to vote again so that they had the same version.
The final vote was 56-44.
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Thu Jul-28-05 07:05 PM
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Edited on Thu Jul-28-05 07:09 PM by Mass
Heard Bingaman voting YES.
Widen, Lieberman YES.
Nelson (FL) YES
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Thu Jul-28-05 07:07 PM
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3. Kerry's making a floor speech soon. |
I don't know exactly when, but I heard them mention his name.
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Thu Jul-28-05 07:08 PM
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4. Thanks, I am going to stay on line. |
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Thu Jul-28-05 07:26 PM
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5. another confused one here |
turned on the senate and they are talking about the energy bill.
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Thu Jul-28-05 07:27 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
6. they just switched to the energy bill |
Cafta, 56-44.
They are allowing three hours tonight to debate the energy bill, to be evenly divided. Maybe that's what Kerry will speak on.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:54 AM
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