My (biased and baseless) opinion is that this is based on the fact that the MSM has definitely choosen her as their current favorite and she has huge name recognition. However, I have yet to read in anything what her positions are and what her accomplishments are. The only positions I know for sure are: she has been positioned (by Bill and others) as backing Bush's Iraq position, she is against violent video games, and she is pro-choice, but she feels that abortion is a tragedy. On health care, she is working on using technology with Gingrich.
Personally, I am tired of the Clintons. The emotional roller coaster was fun at the beginning in 1992, but I am less impressed by them than I was years ago. Their one big claim to fame is that proportedly they know how to win. Leaving aside the comment that 2004 was not 1992, it is very likely that Al Gore, who had a reputation for being clean for his entire political career, was hurt by Clinton's immoralities and his own involvement with the Buddist temple fund raising scandal. The Democratic party is still living with the legacy of this sleaziness - even though Gore and Kerry are about as moral and clean as polititians come.
But it is only 2005 - Bill Clinton is back in the spot light. I wonder if Hillary can keep him in line for the next 3 years. If he can not take a back seat, this should hurt her because it will be an awkward situation.
As to Clark, he was a great surrogate for Kerry, but he had no experience running a campaign. In 2004, he was backed by mostly Clinton people - they are likely to back Hillary and will likely resurface all 2004 difficulties Clark had if they see him as a threat to Hillary.
The DU people have stated that he can't be "swift boated" because he was a general and because he was seriously wounded. First, that Kerry and his crew were NOT more seriously wounded was to Kerry's credit and prior to this year being seriously wounded was not a claim to fame - Kerry's Bronze and silver stars were. Second the whole point of the smears was to throw enough dirt at Kerry, that some people would say that if there are that many questions, he had to have done something wrong. With Clark, they might attack his Balkan mission and as with Kerry, it doesn't matter if these were to his credit or not. Also, he may be subtly attacked by the husband of a primary opponent who efectively fired him. (Unless, Bill wants to set Clark up as VP to Hillary - although I can't imagine how he can do this without Clark becoming a threat to Hillary, especially if Clinton helps stop Kerry, leaving Clark as the only get out of Iraq candidate.)