I have way too much time on my hands today -- but lots of things going on in today's news had me googling, and I came across this Blast From Our Recent Past.
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry on Tuesday accused the Bush campaign of adopting "the tactics of fear and smear" because its record is a failed one, saying November's election comes down to a choice between right and wrong.
"The Bush campaign and its allies have turned to the tactics of fear and smear because they can't talk about jobs, health care, energy independence and rebuilding our alliances," Kerry told students at the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York, near the site of next week's Republican National Convention.
"The world will listen to what the Republicans say when they come here, but
words, slogans and personal attacks cannot disguise what they have done and left undone," said Kerry, who presented himself as the candidate with a plan to resolve the health-care crisis and re-energize the economy.
Kerry predicted the Republicans will contend during their convention that the nation's economy is the strongest it has been in decades.
"They've obviously decided that some people will believe anything, no matter how fictional or how far-fetched, if they just repeat it often enough. That's how they've run their administration, that's how they're running their campaign and that's how they're going to run their convention."