I've started so many blogs the last few days on my outrage. Generally, the words just fail, there is just TOO MUCH. This Reader's Digest email was another, I just can't find the words. What the fucking hell were these people thinking? I'll just copy it because I just have to tell someone. What's more bizarre, I can't recall getting one before even though I think I signed up for this over a year ago. Is it just me, or is this the most insensitive thing a magazine like Reader's Digest could have sent out today?
It's titled: RD Insider: Laugh More, Live Longer!
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Dear Sandy,
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."
This verse from Proverbs rings true for me. I know that I always
feel healthier when I'm laughing a lot, and I'm sure you can say the
same. But there's research to back up this assumption. Read all
about the health benefits of laughter and how and how humor can
help you lose weight.
http://email.rd.com/cgi-bin4/DM/y/eqGc0CdvyC0MAp0DfGn0EChttp://email.rd.com/cgi-bin4/DM/y/eqGc0CdvyC0MAp0DfGo0EDThen start chuckling with our 50 funniest jokes, and
vote for the best comic gem out of our top 10.
http://email.rd.com/cgi-bin4/DM/y/eqGc0CdvyC0MAp0DfGp0EEhttp://email.rd.com/cgi-bin4/DM/y/eqGc0CdvyC0MAp0DfGq0EFIf you think you can top our funniest jokes, go ahead -- try it!
Just call our Reader's Digest Tell-A-Joke contest jokeline and tell
us your favorite gag. You could win a trip to New York City, as well
as the opportunity to perform your hilarious material at one of
NYC's premier comedy clubs.
http://email.rd.com/cgi-bin4/DM/y/eqGc0CdvyC0MAp0DfGr0EGOf course, it's also back-to-school time, which -- for some kids --
is no laughing matter. Help them get prepared (and look forward to
heading back) with our fun ideas for back-to-school lunches and our
tips for success in the classroom.
http://email.rd.com/cgi-bin4/DM/y/eqGc0CdvyC0MAp0DfGs0EHhttp://email.rd.com/cgi-bin4/DM/y/eqGc0CdvyC0MAp0DfGt0EIHumorously yours,
Christine Many Luff
Editor-in-chief, rd.com