....I wrote a poem about an attack and people dying, blood in the streets, and a country in shock that something tragic could happen to them. Of course, didn't think anything of it, it was just a poem.
The next day, I'm at work - well, my job at the time - and i'm in the office with the two girls i worked with. the one girl, her boyfriend's mom called and told her that a plane had just crashed into the WTC. at the time, it was thought to have been some kind of accident, there was no info whatsoever as to how it happened. not long after, she called again to say that a second plane had crashed into it. then i felt so strange, i knew it couldn't be an accident anymore. then one of the guys who worked there came in our office and said that on the news they are saying they think it's probably terrorists. soon after, another phone call. a plane just crashed into the Pentagon. at that moment, i knew it. You hit the U.S. pentagon, that means war. I knew at that point where things were going....then of course, one plane hits the ground in PA which was thought to have been trying to get to D.C.
i was in shock, as everyone was - crying a bit, scared, confused, the whole day and weeks that followed, everyone at work were like zombies. such a somber silence in everyone. but at the same time, such a feeling of unity. everyone was feeling the same thing.
anyway, that night i go home and watch the news - see the planes crashing into the buildings, over and over and watching the stress, shock, and fatigue in Peter Jennings (RIP) - realizing what i had written the night before, as well as learning that my boyfriend at the time had been freestyling the same night i wrote the poem, about the same thing - about an attack, war, people dying, etc. that whole era was memorable for me, not just the Sept. 11th 'attacks', but what was going on in my life. surely a time to remember, or try to forget.
and as a reminder - Iraq had nothing to do with it.