Mass led me to an editorial in my own local paper that quoted very extensively from an email sent by one of our Republican assembly men that sounded like he thought Free Republic type speech was appropriate. He was commenting on his view that Kerry, referred to very disrespectfully as Lurch, couldn't help the Democrats. He made all the usual charges, ending by say that men should lock up the women (especially rich ones).
I've been watching the LTTE and they are very interesting, there have been 3 condemming the assemblyman - all from people in the county. Two balancing LTTE, essentially saying some Democrat somewhere said Bush looked like a monkey (the other mentioned comparisons to Hilter and Stalin) One was from NEBRASKA, the other from MICHIGAN. The good LTTE today, points out that the assembly man is also implying that men own woman.
This is likely to help the Democrats - though we are extremely outnumbered.