There's nothing like tooling around the internet and coming across a gem like this one. This is a post from the Rude Pundit from 10/14/04, and given that most incredible speech that JK wrote and delivered at Brown yesterday, I would say -- oh, hell, just read the fucking thing:'s the deal - what's been missing from the entire Kerry campaign is just how tough a motherfucker John Kerry really, actually is, and it's got jackshit to do with hunting geese and killing the Vietcong. Kerry is a superhero, the kind of valiant son of a bitch who doesn't give a rat's ass about his own life in order to make the lives of others better. It's his post-Vietnam life that makes him a superhero. You don't know how much a superhero the man in the cape is by his origins. You know a superhero by his deeds. And if Kerry loses, it'll be because his campaign refused to acknowledge just how kick-ass Kerry has been since his final purple heart (and if Kerry loses, adviser Bob Shrum, who, in essence, said the public was too stupid to understand Kerry's accomplishments, should be strung up by his balls and batted around like a pinata by the Democratic party leadership until he bursts open and showers everyone with his innards).
Yeah, yeah, this is gonna be a down-on-the-knees-Kerry-supportin-hummer of an entry, but the Rude Pundit keeps talking to people who sigh and say, "I guess I'm gonna vote for Bush" because they can't bring themselves to vote for Kerry. They see him as weak. They see him as a flip-flopper. In other words, they see him as the projection of self that Bush has imposed on Kerry. In other words, these voters are too blinded by the glow that emits from the crown on Bush's head to believe that they own the democracy.
Then, he goes on to detail the three great battles Kerry waged against power: Kerry vs. Nixon (Vietnam War), Kerry vs. Reagan (Iran-Contra), and Kerry vs. Bush I (BCCI). God, it would be great if we could take the U.S. Senate in '06, because then a new battle could be waged: Kerry vs. Bush II (Corruption). Yes, I know there's a lot to go after in W's administration, but I think the corruption of both Bush and the Republican Congress is the worst of it all. Then, the Rude Pundit continues:
Listen closely and tell anyone you know who is still thinking about voting for Bush: has Bush ever, personally, faced down anyone other than with a chant of "Drink, drink, drink"? Has he ever gone against someone who was really, truly powerful in order to place the good of the people above his own good? No. Heroes do that - they don't care what's in their way - they will face down evil, no matter how powerful. And they don't bother with those who are too weak to fight. It's why the latest news from Iraq fanned the fire: those in charge have screwed us over again, and Kerry's ready to bring the superhero costume out. Call him "the Winter Soldier."
Kerry's done a fuck of a lot more than pull a guy out of a river. And the fact that America doesn't know that says a great deal about how we negotiate our desolate political landscape.
Damn, what a rant our rude pundit delivered, and it resonates even more now, because almost everyone (save the blind die-hard Bush supporters) has seen how weak a man and president Bush really is. Do you think a superhero like Kerry would let a bitch hurricane like Katrina destroy him? No way. Had he been president, there is no doubt in my mind that he would have been kicking ass before the storm, during the storm, and after the storm, throwing everything he could for the people of New Orleans, Lousiana, and Mississippi, taking charge and working WITH the mayor of NO and the governors of Louisiana and Mississippi, and not letting us down, because THAT is what superheroes do.